Breastfeeding and Bonding: Understanding the Emotional Benefits

At our Newark, DE, office, we stress the health benefits of breastfeeding, such as the immune-boosting properties it has. However, there are other benefits that the bonding alone provides for both the mother and infant. And fortunately, Dr. Kerry Kirifides and Dr. Sonia Shastry of Just Kids Pediatrics are available to help you along the journey. Let's take a moment now to discuss the bonding benefits.


 As you hold your baby near you or lie beside them, you're snuggling them near you. That provides warmth, a comforting effect, and decreased stress for them. You'll also feel that comforting effect as well. We should note that breastfed babies tend to cry less overall.

Reducing Inflammation for You 

 Inflammation is one aspect of how your body responds to stress. When you have higher inflammation levels, you're more at risk of experiencing depression. Ultimately, this can interfere with your ability to enjoy this time with your little one. In the long run, less inflammation in your body reduces your risk of chronic conditions, like diabetes, heart disease, and certain types of cancer.

Feel More at Peace 

 With a baby who has all of their needs met is at peace and has a mother who is content, you'll produce hormones that promote relaxation when you breastfeed. 

What happens is your body produces oxytocin when you nurse as well as prolactin. That oxytocin fosters a sense of attachment, bonding, and love between you and your little one.

Benefit from Skin-to-Skin Contact

 Whenever you nurse your baby, there's skin-to-skin contact, which enhances bonding. You also have the closeness from holding your baby, stroking their hair, and whatever else you do to comfort your baby while nursing. 

Get Peace of Mind 

 Overall, you'll have peace of mind that your baby is receiving all the nutrition they need to remain healthy for not just now but years to come.

Some of the many benefits include the following:

  • Fewer occurrences of respiratory illnesses, like colds
  • Less of a chance of acid reflux disease
  • Fewer ear infections that can cause pain and discomfort or even hearing damage
  • Reduced number of bacterial meningitis cases
  • Lower rates of sudden infant death syndrome

 Some research suggests an increase in problem-solving skills and overall intelligence. Breastfed children are also less likely to be hyperactive.

Dr. Kirifides and Dr. Shastry of Just Kids Pediatrics, serving Newark, DE, and the general vicinity, offer support throughout your breastfeeding journey. And besides all the health benefits for your baby, the emotional bonding benefits for you and your little one are extensive.

Call 302-918-6400 today.